by Zac Fine | Oct 2, 2019 | Branding, Communications, Content, Online marketing, Website
Imagine you’ve got the best clinical team in the world, covering all the specialities, and a state of the art clinic with heavy investment in the latest CBCT scanner, CEREC and intra-oral cameras. A recipe for commercial success, surely. And yet it isn’t. Naturally...
by Jonathan Fine | Jan 9, 2019 | Advertising, Communications, Orthodontics, Video
This week one of my clients sent me a video by the American Association of Orthodontists (AAO) that I think nails the message that practices with Specialist Orthodontists in the UK and Ireland should be sending out. It’s short and punchy, conveying a simple idea:...
by fineco | Sep 27, 2017 | IT, Online marketing, Website
Is your website converting enough visitors into new patients for you? Do you actually know what your conversion rate is for that matter? It’s pretty simple to work out, just take a look at your analytics or ask the person managing your website to give you: Total...
by Jonathan Fine | Jun 7, 2017 | Blog, Communications, Website
What customer-centric looks like By Jonathan Fine. June 7, 2017. To help our clients get seen and heard we keep an eye out for what they’re up against, and there’s been some impressive stuff by corporate groups of late. One that stands out is Sk:n, which has 46...