What customer-centric looks like By Jonathan Fine. June 7, 2017.
To help our clients get seen and heard we keep an eye out for what they’re up against, and there’s been some impressive stuff by corporate groups of late.
One that stands out is Sk:n, which has 46 clinics and calls itself the UK’s leading skin clinic group. The website demonstrates what a customer-centric user experience looks like.
If you don’t do facial aesthetics at your dental practice then this won’t mean much to you, although it’s a crime not to given your set up, of which more later.
Here are some of the things that a visitor to the Sk:n homepage will appreciate (although not necessarily consciously):
- The URL has a green padlock, showing you the site is secure
- Sk:n serves it’s USP (unique selling point) high with “Best Clinic Group 2016” — this tallies reassuringly with its Google blurb “the UK’s leading skin clinic group”
- An online booking form takes visual priority, encouraging you to proceed, and promises a call back within 15 minutes, implying you’re important, and your time is important
- Everything is visual, with more information available at a click, so no sifting through reams of information you don’t want
- When you do drill down for more info by clicking the treatment panels the messaging tallies with Sk:n’s ‘we’re the safest’ USP, with each blurb reiterating Sk:n’s strict medical protocols and the full medical qualifications of staff
- The gallery of clinicians reinforces the ‘we’re the safest’ USP, with the blurb “No one has more doctors and consultants in their clinics than Sk:n”
- Customer reviews are given prominence, showing transparency
There are other clever things about this website such as the use of patient testimonials for blogs (we highly recommend this) and the way Sk:n makes much of its founder-member status of Treatments You Can Trust (TYCT), an industry backed register of cosmetic injectable providers (which plays well to customers worried about the lack of regulation in non-surgical cosmetics).
To be a TYCT member you have to meet criteria on premises, risk assessments, communication and managing medicines, all of which a dental practice doing facial aesthetics should meet by default given its CQC obligations, which brings me back to my earlier point: facial aesthetics are an open goal for dentists.
You have the best people and the best facilities for this work, which is what people are looking for, it’s just a case of conveying this in your marketing like Sk:n has done. Each new facial aesthetics customer will bring in about £1k of repeat business to your practice each year. When do you want to start?
JJF | [email protected] | 07860 672727

“Each new FA patient brings in another £1k a year”
Jonathan Fine, MD