by Guest | Feb 5, 2020 | Business growth, Industry trends, Leadership, Movers and shakers, Workshop
For me, as a management consultant, the salient feature of the past 10 years in dentistry has been the end of the easystreet sole trader lifestyle. Today practice owners must run proper businesses, with all the attendant responsibilities and opportunities for scalable...
by Jonathan Fine | Jan 29, 2020 | Business growth, Industry trends, Leadership, Movers and shakers, Workshop
At the back end of last year the Fine and Hive teams spent a day in a beachside hotel wondering about the next 10 years in dentistry. We split into groups and brainstormed the main themes, which came out something like this: Private equity money will continue...
by Zac Fine | Jan 15, 2020 | Leadership, Mental health, Patient journey, Self care, Training
When we’re rude to colleagues, the evidence is overwhelming that we perform worse and this is particularly the case when we’re doing something complex in a team, like dentistry. In medicine this ubiquitous problem is being recognised as a formidable...
by Jonathan Fine | Nov 4, 2019 | Leadership, Mental health, Self care
Is stress good or bad? We seem to be universally conditioned to view it negatively. How often have you heard these? “He’s off work due to stress.” “Her stress levels are too high, she’s struggling to cope.” “He’s under...
by Jonathan Fine | Oct 30, 2019 | Leadership
I sometimes struggle trying to explain to my clients how to maintain goodwill and buy-in from your team. How to be seen to go the extra mile consistently. Some leaders have the incredible ability to effortlessly inspire their team and receive unconditional loyalty...
by Zac Fine | Sep 18, 2019 | Business growth, Leadership, Recruitment, Treatment coordinator
Dr Jonny Cochrane has achieved a lot since he took over The Bristol Dental Practice in March, aged 30, after working there as an associate for four years. He’s hired 31 staff, built a sixth surgery and driven new patients up from 30 to 80 per month in his first...