Recruiting the right business manager

Recruiting the right business manager

We wrote an article last summer called They’re key to growth, but why do 25% of business managers in dentistry fail? It’s a difficult question that we still haven’t answered in full, but we’re always working on it. In that vein we spoke to a couple of experts from...
Divorce: welcome back to life

Divorce: welcome back to life

A punchy little message with the subject line “Divorce” grabbed my attention when it landed in my inbox recently. Maybe it’s the time of year — I know a few couples who hit the skids in January, a notorious time for marriage breakdown. And I see that in a list of the...
Softly, softly, catchee monkey

Softly, softly, catchee monkey

How good are your soft skills? Things like communication, leadership, team building, self-motivation, decision making and problem solving? It’s hard to know isn’t it? You might feel really effective now and then but if you’re a leader soft skills are the only way...